Returns policy

When you buy from SureShack you buy with confidence. We stand behind the products we sell. If for whatever reason, you are dissatisfied with your purchase, you can return it to SureShack within 14 days of receipt of item(s). Claims for missing items or items damaged in transit must be received within two business days of receipt of product(s).

You have the option of exchanging the item(s) or receiving a refund for the full amount of the original purchase price (excluding shipping). Goods must be unused but still saleable in their original packaging.

Faulty goods

Unless stated otherwise, all items carry a 12-month warranty. If you think your goods are faulty, simply contact with an explanation of what you want to return and why. We will provide you with the information that you need in order to return the items.

Once we have received your goods we will assess them and contact you to discuss the options. At first instance, we will organise to repair or replace the goods. If the goods cannot be repaired or replaced we will refund the purchase price.

Return shipping charges are the responsibility of the customer. We are not responsible for lost or damaged packages.

If you need help or advice with a return, please contact us. We do not refund based on change of mind so please choose carefully.